History of study great zhyrs -ternational cries


  • P. Bisenbayev әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық универститеті, Алматы қ.


plot, detail, motif, epic, dәstүr version, nұsқa, tartys, mura, image,


The article tells the history of the study, published “Kenesary – Nauryzbai” zhyry. Drawn public attention to the movement of the last times zhyry Kenesary. Today's readers are well aware of some options published in Kazakh and Russian languages in the journal " Herald of Europe " in the twentieth century. It aroused great interest of the Kazakh literary scholars as irrelevant to real life historical and artistic world zhyr options. We are also well aware of the various critiques of various levels in local publications. The author, exploring the history of the publication and noting similarities and differences between the individual variants of " Kenesary - Nauryzbai " zhyr reveals the historical situation and the fate of the genre. Exploring the history of the national liberation movement Kenesary Kasymova structuring its standards describing this movement by making an effort for the approval of authentic details that are not found in articles , monographs, scientific researchers. Systematizing scientific research relating to the genre the author dwells on the leading ideas , the nature of the genre and the main motivations of this work.


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How to Cite

Bisenbayev, P. (2015). History of study great zhyrs -ternational cries. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 148(2). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/224