Pragmatic function of intonation in creating the speech portrait of a business lady


  • Akymbek S.Sh., Yebelekbayeva A.K., Akh . Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        22 32


This article is devoted to the comparative study of the functions of intonation in the dialogical business communication of women in different rank positions.Nowadays the main object of study becomes a dialogue as the exchange of remarks,stimulusand responses.In the article dialogical unity is a unit of dialogical text which possess structural, communicative and semantic value. Business communication is built taking into account the characteristics of the partners who have a business relationship, their social status and place in the official hierarchy, profession, nationality, age, nature and gender. The object of the research is a dialogical unity female boss and subordinated women. During communication subordinated woman tries to hide her emotions and excitement, but these actions can be seen through the main frequency. The research allowed concluding that prosodic parameters directly depend on the rank position of a female communicant in business discourse




How to Cite

., A. S. . . Y. A. A. (2018). Pragmatic function of intonation in creating the speech portrait of a business lady. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 164(6), 40–47. Retrieved from