Teaching theses compiling as a peculiar kind of intellectualspeech activity of students
The article deals with the prospects of teaching theses compiling at theRussian lessons from point of view the working at the generalized compre
hension of texts content, their thought-out logic-compositional structure,
laconic and clear linguistic representation. The importance of forming of
the complex of operations on compiling theses as a peculiar kind of the
intellectual-speech activity of students is revealed in this article. This kind
of activity contributes to the development of the communicative-activity
approach in teaching the discipline. The methodics of teaching compiling
theses is presented in the article
How to Cite
Yegizbayeva N.Zh, K. Y. (2018). Teaching theses compiling as a peculiar kind of intellectualspeech activity of students. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 163(5), 126–129. Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/2552
Methods of teaching language and literature