Romanticism Ali.


  • P. Bisenbayev əл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық универститетінің Алматы қ.
        20 41


Romanticism, aesthetics, renaissance, dastan, realism, fantasy, syncretism, psychology, poem, genre, category, philosophy, shape, image, portrait, composition, idea, landscape,


In this article the author examines his anthropological problem of aesthetics in the age of rebirth Central Asia. He argues that the system of anthropological explanation of the various phenomena of the environment, its nature and human life, its creative possibilities is the main feature of romantic literature. At the same time, author trying to prove that since "Kiss Dzhusupov" Cool Ali, in the medieval Turkic literature mainly served by universal artistic oriental romanticism. In order to show the truth of this his assertion applicant relies on research works of scientists Yu. Nigmatullina, H. Usmanova, F. Faseeva, I. Konrada, Sh. Abilova. The article comprehensively considered the features inherent in the aesthetics of the era of rebirth. For example, it does not remain without attention that the Earth's beauty is known through the heavenly beauty, when creating a portrait Zhusup play an important role comparisons based on a comparison with the world of trees and animals, ideological and aesthetic function of jewelry like gold, silver, etc.


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How to Cite

Bisenbayev, P. (2015). Romanticism Ali. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 147(1). Retrieved from