Teaching political communication through cognitive metaphors according to the cognitive-linguacultural approach.


  • M. V. Trichik Kazakh Abylai khan University of International Relations and Foreign Languages, Almaty


cognitive linguistics, cognitive-linguacultural approach, modern foreign language education, political communication, cognitive metaphor,


The article is devoted to the cognitive-linguacultural approach in the modern foreign language education and justifies the need for application of this approach to teaching political communication through metaphors. The author examines evolution of cognitive-linguacultural approach from 17th century to our time, gives characteristics of the reasons of implementing this approach to the process of foreign language education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and examines the main provisions of the proposed approach, developed by Kazakhstani scientists. It is also considered that the need and the importance of cognitive-linguacultural approach in the modern foreign language education exist not only for foreign language education itself, but also for the teaching of political communication. Political language is an integral part of modern society. Cognitive metaphors in political discourse can reveal the world picture features of the representative of any linguistic culture.


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How to Cite

Trichik, M. V. (2015). Teaching political communication through cognitive metaphors according to the cognitive-linguacultural approach. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 148(2). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/314