Adaptation of repatriate-Kazakh children.


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The article describes the process of adaptation of repatriate-Kazakh pupils returning to the country in society, in particular at school. Due to the emotional, psychological, linguistic barriers of repatriateKazakh pupils, their inability to quickly adapt to the social environment, the situation of integration into society and school is not always easy. The issue of adaptation of repatriate-Kazakh children is multifaceted and relevant for modern society. If we turn to the social adaptation of repatriate-Kazakh children, then the purpose of adaptation is not always complete assimilation. The object of the study was the analysis of individual questions and answers of repatriate-Kazakh pupils of middle school in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Repatriate-Kazakh children are sensitive, adaptable to the situation, actions and changes in society, within the school, able to express themselves freely. In order to determine the language adaptation of repatriate Kazakh students, a method of targeted interviews was conducted. Analysis of the data received from the respondents was performed and described. As a result of the study, the stages of life processes of repatriate-Kazakh pupils, including social, cultural, psychological, as well as language communication with the local population, were identified in the field of education. In Kazakhstan, the difficulty of rapid language adaptation of repatriate children is based on several factors. Barriers to language adaptation of repatriate-Kazakh pupils are formulated.




How to Cite

Dossanova, A. M., & Abdikadyr, I. A. (2021). Adaptation of repatriate-Kazakh children. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 182(2), 33–39.