Verbalisation of Covid-19 pandemic discourse in media space


  • А. M. Kurkimbayeva Казахский университет международных отношений и мировых языков имени Абылай хана, Алматы, Казахстан
        79 84


The global health crisis known as COVID-19 has inevitably entered modern human life. On a daily basis, the media reported on this catastrophe. The negative impact of the coronavirus on humanity, culture and the economy was enormous. The coronavirus pandemic has also affected everyday lifestyles, the psychology of language personalities and mentality, both on an individual and collective level. The aim of the article: to find out through which linguistic means in media discourse, the Covid 19 pandemic has been realized in media space. The theoretical significance of the research lies in the fact that the results of the study will contribute to the identification of the forms of coronial vocabulary established in the Kazakh media world and further study of the nature of Covid discourse in linguistic cultures with different research results. Practical results of the research work can be used in the study of such disciplines as "Media discourse", "Medical media discourse", "Covid - discourse" for students and undergraduates studying in "Foreign philology" and also in compiling dictionaries and glossaries dedicated to the lexical composition of the term "Covid". The methodological basis of the research article is the media discourse and discourse of "Covid-19 pandemic". As main results of the research, the definition of "Covid-19 pandemic" discourse presents its extra-linguistic potential and constitutive features of the discourse. The research paper, also in perspective, will contribute to further study of linguistic potential of "Covid-19 pandemic" discourse as a new linguistic phenomenon.




How to Cite

Kurkimbayeva А. M. (2023). Verbalisation of Covid-19 pandemic discourse in media space. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 191(3), 30–40. Retrieved from