Participant-internal possibility modality and its coding in Kazakh.


  • G. S. Yeshniyaz Kazakh Ablai Khan University of international relations and world languages
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modality, participant-internal possibility modality, analytical formant, converb, ability, functional semantic- field, tense, voice,


This paper deals with the subcategory of modality – participant-internal possibility modality and its coding in Kazakh with – A al analytical formant. Despite the fact that the category of modality has been studied from the period of Aristotle, there is still no unanimity about its definition, its subcategories and its coding in human language. As the result of the research on the topic participant-internal possibility modality is identified as one of the subcategory of modality which deals with the ability and capacity of the subject of the proposition. In Kazakh participant-internal possibility modality is mostly given by analytical formants, especially by – A al. Moreover, it will be displayed that – A al expresses all semantic properties of participant-internal possibility modality such as inherent / learnt and mental / physical. Therefore it constitutes the core of the functional-semantic of the given modality. The paper also accounts for the interaction of – A al in modal usage with other category operators.


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How to Cite

Yeshniyaz, G. S. (2015). Participant-internal possibility modality and its coding in Kazakh. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 150(4-5). Retrieved from