The genre of essay in the creativity of Bakhyt Kairbekov.


  • Z. K. Salkhanova Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, г. Алматы
        26 15


genre, essay, poet-philosopher, nomad, time,


This article considers the specifics of the genre of essay in the creation of Bakhyt Kairbekov. It is noted that currently there is a rise of artistic and documentary literature, which presses traditional genres of imaginative literature. One of these «borderline» genres is essay. The article investigates the essay as one of the signs that make up the originality in creation of Bakhyt Kairbekov. The author highlights the idea that the biography of the poet combines various types of creative work, so his appeal to the genre of the essay is logically justified. It is indicated that the poet creates philosophical, literary-critical and biographical essays, drawing on his life and work experience, and the author of such works is a generalized image that combines the spiritual quest of the poet, translator, philosopher, film director. The article analyzes the structure and content of the essay «The Face of Time – Motion of Ray,» «Golden Eagle – the bird of happiness.» The author believes that the essays of Bakhyt Kairbekov includes such characteristic features of the genre, as the fragmentation of the text, the ease of transition from one topic to another, nomination to the fore of restricted narration, and the selection of the main judgment, involving observations, descriptions, examples to confirm main the thought of the work. It is proved that reflections of the poet-philosopher pass through the consciousness of the lyrical hero – nomad with his firm views on the phenomena of reality.


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How to Cite

Salkhanova, Z. K. (2015). The genre of essay in the creativity of Bakhyt Kairbekov. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 152(6). Retrieved from