Identifying features of modus meanings In art narration as a unique Of b. Kanapyanov’s worldview on lessons In the disciplines of the philological cycle
The article attempts to analyze features of modus explication of meanings associated with the concept «city» in the author’s narration of Russian-speaking writer. The material of the study is based on the
story and essay of the Kazakh poet, writer and public figure B. Kanapyanov. We give a proper definition
of «modus meaning». On the basis of the explication of modus meaning a unique author’s world view
and attitude are revealed. The study used methods: continuous sampling, observation, analysis and synthesis, classification, comparative descriptive method and others.
Как цитировать
A.B. Tumanova, I. G. (2018). Identifying features of modus meanings In art narration as a unique Of b. Kanapyanov’s worldview on lessons In the disciplines of the philological cycle. ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Филология сериясы, 170(2), 197–200. вилучено із
Методика преподавания языка и литературы