Functions subjunctive mood in the context of the spectrum of his senses.


  • G. R. Kadyrova Казахский национальный педагогический университет имени Абая, г. Алматы
        29 27


functionality, modality, context, subjunctive, hypothetical semantics, terminology symbols, grammatical category of mood, unreal action,


This article focuses on the complex analysis of the functionality of the grammatical category of the subjunctive with synchronous-diachronic perspective. The author recounts the contentious issues of terminology related to the ambiguity of interpretation of the terms «subjunctive», «hypothetical semantics», «desirable», «value opportunities». The article adequately accounted for and used for analysis, as the works of the classics of linguistics, as well as works by modern linguists. This paper discusses the functionality of the subjunctive with the ancient period XIV to the present state of the Russian language. Consideration of the individual functions of grammatical meaning of the subjunctive mood suggests that the presumed hypothetical subjunctive semantics ensures its nuclear position in the functional-semantic field of the hypothetical in relation to the other components of the field.


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How to Cite

Kadyrova, G. R. (2015). Functions subjunctive mood in the context of the spectrum of his senses. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 147(1). Retrieved from