Works by the Kazakh poets of 15-18 centuries in Russian translations


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 In the article the features of the translations of works of the Kazakh poets of 15-18 centuries into Russian are considered. The medieval Kazakh poetry is very difficult and original. The translator is faced by various obstacles: far time, with customs, customs, life, characteristic of it, language features (archaisms, phraseological units, tropes, etc.). It is hard to solve problems and a verse composition, that is to translate the Kazakh sillabical verse into Russian sillabo-tonic and at the same time to keep rhyme-intonational features of the original. Therefore one of the main conditions of success in translation case is knowledge of the theory of the Kazakh versification. The translation will not be full and without profound knowledge of history, culture, an esthetics, literature of the people from which language it is carried out. An adequate translation should reproduce the ideological and thematic meaning of the original, its style, national color, historical setting, intonation, metric and rhythm, i.e. the original should be reflected in the unity of form and content.Translators of works to zhyrau are Vs. Rojdestvenskyi, V. Tsybin, O. Zhanaydarov, K. Bakbergenov, B. Lukbanov, A. Solovyov, B. Kairbekov, P. Kosenko, S. Baymenov, S. Botvinnik, K. Zhanabayev and A. Kodar. Their work has huge value as from the Russian translation are often done into foreign languages




How to Cite

Kalambayeva, G. A., Bugenova, L. A., Tansykbayeva, B. A., & ., R. S. (2021). Works by the Kazakh poets of 15-18 centuries in Russian translations. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 178(2), 223–229.