World picture of traditional kazakh music


  • S. S. Dzhanseitova Казахская национальная консерватория им. Курмангазы, г. Алматы
        15 36


picture of the world, ideological orientations, nomadic culture,


The ideological orientations of the universal way of life and culture of nomads are: understanding of life as a supreme value; nomadic way of life, where non-interference in nature has acquired the meaning of the fundamental principle; harmonious relationship with the Cosmos, the Universe, Nature; exclusive tolerance to religious denominations, the relationship with the other world, the spirits of ancestors, aruakhs; spirituality, dominating over transient matter; an absence of attachment to the material world; conceptualization of the spiritual-aesthetic norms of behavior: honor, majesty, freedom, courage, generosity, musicality, spiritual purity - this is far not the full list of the spiritual categories that were cultivated by our ancestors.


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How to Cite

Dzhanseitova, S. S. (2015). World picture of traditional kazakh music. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 147(1). Retrieved from