About skills of reading educational-scientific texts on classes in Russian


  • R. S. Turebekova Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
        22 13


an educational-scientific text, types of reading, develop¬ment of the speech, skills of the reading, communicative abilities. .


The article is devoted to the necessity of formation of skills of reading and increasing of culture of printing literature reading. These skills of reading give to the reader necessary orientation to the creative perception of the book and the scientific text and involve the work of imagination. The teacher helps students to be guided in a big literary stream, developing not only students’ taste to reading, but also their ability to work with the book independently as a real book is always directed on forcing readers’ thinking. And now we focuses not only on reading, but also on comprehension of the material as the student should manage to reproduce the content of the specialty text. In this process the primary role is also played by reading literature on specialty, and training students all the perception skills. While organizing work on development of students’ speech at the Russian language classes it is necessary to pay attention to improvement and development of reading skills. Improvement of reading skills as the most important types of persons’ speech activity will promote developing of students’ general scientific and vital abilities namely the ability to work with the book to gain knowledge in the course of training independently, to orientate in the texts’ material while reading. It is necessary in the course of preparation for messages, reports, etc.


1.1. Акишина А., Шляхов В. Учим читать быстро и эффективно. – М.: Наука, 2001.
2.2. Митрофанова О.Д. Научный стиль речи: проблемы обучения. – М.: МГУ, 2010. – С. 68-70.
3.3. Андреев О.А. Учитесь правильно читать. – М.: Академия, 1995.
4.4. Солганик Г.Я. Стилистика текста. – М.: Флинта, 2011.

1.1. Akishina A., Shliahov V. Uchim chitat bistro i affectivno. – M.: Nauka, 2001.
2.2. Mitrophanova O.D. Nauchnyi stil rechi: problemy obuchenia. – M.: MGU, 2010. – S. 68-70.
3.3. Andreev O.A. Uchites pravilno chitat. – M.: Akademia, 1995.
4.4. Solganik G.Ia. Stilistika teksta. – M.: Flinta, 2011.


How to Cite

Turebekova, R. S. (2016). About skills of reading educational-scientific texts on classes in Russian. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 159(1). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/1855

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