«Traditions» and «innovations» in the education activities at higher education institutions


  • D. B. Madyeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • О. B. Altynbekova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        22 13


education, method, project approach, problem-based learning, linguistic discipline, competence.


Modern level of formation of education and upbringing of competitive specialist at higher school demands introduction to educational process of new approaches in teaching students of all specialities and disciplines, including linguistic ones. This list includes general-linguistic basic, fundamental disciplines, and also teaching foreign languages. If earlier priority purpose in teaching high school disciplines was the aspiration to give learners certain knowledge, now it is necessary to form practical competences. This situation characterizes educational systems in the world, global scale. One of the main differences of both school and higher education institution is that pupil (or student) is not an object of education, i.e. passive listener, the passive receiver of knowledge, but an active participant of teaching who is able to work in small and big groups, in a team. As a result students will have an ability to deeper understand the given knowledge; they finish learning with high perception of the abilities; the main attention is paid to development of the competences necessary for learning all life long.


1.1. Послание Президента народу Казахстана «Социально-экономическая модернизация – главный вектор развития Казахстана». – 27 января 2012 г. // http://el.kz/m/articles/view/%D0
2.2. http://www.rae.ru/monographs/235-7180
3.3. http://www.morepc.ru/dict/
4.4. Послание Президента народу Казахстана «Рост благосостояния граждан Казахстана – главная цель государственной политики». – Астана, 6 февраля 2008 г. // http://el.kz/m/articles/view/%D0
5.5. Набойщикова Л.В. Проблемное обучение – технология, адекватная компетентностному подходу // http:// festival.1september.ru/articles/629603/
6.6. Маковчук Т.Г. Метод проектов – это что-то новое или хорошо забытое старое // http://nsportal.ru/shkola/obshchepedagogicheskie- tekhnologii/library/ 2012/10/22/metod-proektov
7.7. http://www.dlsweb.rmit.edu.au/eng/beng0001/PBL-LIST/pbllinkoping.htm
8.8. Introduction to Problem-based Learning / Session Leader: Dr. Mark Weyers. – UCL Centre for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching.

1.1. Poslanie Prezidenta narodu Kazahstana «Social’no-jekonomicheskaja modernizacija – glavnyj vektor razvitija Kazahstana». – 27 janvarja 2012 g. // http://el.kz/m/articles/view/%D0
2.2. http://www.rae.ru/monographs/235-7180
3.3. http://www.morepc.ru/dict/
4.4. Poslanie Prezidenta narodu Kazahstana «Rost blagosostojanija grazhdan Kazahstana – glavnaja cel’ gosudarstvennoj politiki». – Astana, 6 fevralja 2008 g. // http://el.kz/m/articles/view/%D0
5.5. Nabojshhikova L.V. Problemnoe obuchenie – tehnologija, adekvatnaja kompetentnostnomu podhodu // http:// festival.1september.ru/articles/629603/
6.6. Makovchuk T.G. Metod proektov – jeto chto-to novoe ili horosho zabytoe staroe // http://nsportal.ru/shkola/obshchepedagogicheskie-
tekhnologii/library/ 2012/10/22/metod-proektov
7.7. http://www.dlsweb.rmit.edu.au/eng/beng0001/PBL-LIST/pbllinkoping.htm
8.8. Introduction to Problem-based Learning / Session Leader: Dr. Mark Weyers. – UCL Centre for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching.


How to Cite

Madyeva, D. B., & Altynbekova О. B. (2016). «Traditions» and «innovations» in the education activities at higher education institutions. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 155(3). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/1521

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